Friday, September 26, 2008

The writing of the REM.

Continuing on with my theme of sloth and recycled creativity, today I will post, to increase my post count, what I consider will stand as my best writing ever. But only a fellow NITTian will perhaps understand and concur with what I say.
Every year at the end of eighth semester, we outgoing students bring out something like a memoir of the graduating class, titled appropriately, REMINISCENCES. It is one bundle of nostalgia and joy rolled into one, as it gives an irreverent, tongue-in-cheek, account of each individual’s life at NITT with special emphasis on his accomplishments, or lack thereof, written by his or her inner circle of friends. One left handed compliment, delivered in a typically sarcastic manner here, we consider to be worth volumes of paeans sung in our honour.
And I had the honour of writing the introductory page to the REMINISCENCES titled “Footprints on the sands of time…” It was something I always dreamt about since the first time I had seen the REM., and I was elated when it finally came true-that I would get to speak on behalf of my entire batch of five hundred, for to be honest, there were people more talented than myself, but I probably wanted it more than others. As one of my favourite maxims goes- The race isn’t to the swift, nor battle to the strong, but victory goes to the one who wants it the most.
I remember that hot summer afternoon in March clearly. I was scribbling away lying on my bed, looking out through my window at what we fondly called the RCG (Ruby Cricket Ground :), with the rumbling of the “train fan” on the ceiling for company. Just then Vicky popped in, saw what I was doing, and commented that I have a long afternoon’s work ahead of me.
I normally take a long time to write, lovingly lingering over each word, playing with it, and admiring it with shameless narcissism :). But that day I finished within an hour. Once I started, I wrote with pure emotion, the words simply flowing, with none of my customary puns and word play. Infact I was almost in tears when I finished. That was one of the rare times that I wrote from the heart, with the head playing second fiddle.
When the REM. was published, people came and told me that I had translated into print their very feelings and made them nostalgic already. Among them were some really gifted people who wrote better than I did, and I consider that one of the best moments of my life so far.
So that was my best salute to NITT, NITTians, and the NITTian way of life.
Enough said in this post, so I will post my write up for the REM. in my next post.

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